Eigenlijk kan ik mijn stijl nooit zo goed beschrijven. De ene keer is het chique, de andere keer tomboy en dan weer bohemian. Vooral naar dat laaste neig ik de laatste tijd veel. Een beetje boho doet iedereen goed en dus besloot ik deze super schattige playsuit van Zara te combineren met mijn lange wollige vest van Vila. Heerlijke combi met dit in-between weer. Zo'n playsuit draagt ook altijd heerlijk en is perfect voor dit jaargetijde. Hebben jullie veel playsuits in de kast hangen?
Playsuit - Zara
Vest - Vila
Gympjes - Primark

Ik ben net een week terug van vakantie en heb mijn zomerse jurkjes alweer verruild voor warme jeans, topjes en blazers. Damn girls, het is hier koud! Ik mis de warmte van Bali en hoop op zomerse temperaturen in Nederland. Gelukkig was het net aan warm genoeg om naar buiten te gaan zonder jasje maar wel met een blazer. Dit mooie gestreepte exemplaar vond ik enkele weken geleden in de kringloop voor vier euro, koopje! Hij past sowieso overal echt prima bij, zo ook met mijn 'ankle jeans' van Cheap Monday.
Wat vinden jullie trouwens van mijn zonnebril van Polette eyewear? Ik raakte geïnspireerd door blogster Polienne en besloot exact dezelfde bril, de Islamabad met daarin donkere glazen te bestellen en ik ben er zo blij mee! Hij draagt heel fijn, is uberhip en past bij iedere outfit.
Blazer - Kringloop
Topje - Primark
Jeans - Cheap Monday
Schoenen - Zara
Ketting - Costes
Horloge - Daniel Wellington
Bril - Polette eyewear Islamabad frame

Everytime I go into a Zara store, I fall in love with something. So I do try to avoid them but sometimes I just can't help myself. I ran into this amazing blouse a few weeks ago and it looked SO good on the mannequin. For just 25 euro's I had to take it home and styled it with some high waisted skinnyjeans and a grey top. My necklace is from another favorite store of mine Costes, they have super pretty clothing! The photos were taken in Utrecht close to our home and I always love to stroll around in these little streets. Hope you enjoy my outfit :)
I'm wearing
Blouse - Zara
Top - H&M
Jeans - Topshop
Shoes - Flossy
Necklace - Costes
Sunglasses - Zara
Bag - Primark

If you have been reading my blog for the past few years you might know that I am a huge fan of the thriftstore and I do visit them on a weekly base. I have found so many amazing items, even designer pieces! Do you ever go to the thriftstore or do you buy things secondhand? I also uploaded quite some thriftstore shopping hauls on my youtube chanel which I hope you enjoy. Anyway; I found a really cute jacket and also supertrash (expensive!) jeans a while ago during one of my visits in the thriftstore. Together I bought them for just 10 euros, which is a total bargain and I was so lucky they were in my size! I combined them with my flossy style shoes which were gifted to me by a PR agency and my cute Zara top. Hope you enjoy my outfit :)
I'm wearing
Jacket - Thrifted
Top - Zara
Jeans - Thrifted (Supertrash)
Shoes - Flossy
Bag - Mango

Two weeks ago I posted something about a layover in Aalborg thanks to my job as a flight attendant. Just a few days later I was back, with a different crew and the same amount of time (we arrived early in the morning around 11AM and had pickup the next day at 5AM). The weather was again truly amazing and our cockpit crew came up with the idea to rent a car.
And so we did, we rented a car and drove all the way up north to the most northerly point of Denmark: Skagen. This beautiful city is also the name of stylish danish watches, but we were more into the views. The city itself was so cute with all the yellow colored houses. We had some fish at the harbor and drove a little bit further to the actual most northern part: the beach. So beautiful however it was supercold. Hence our scarfs and freezing faces. Afterwards we drove back to the south but we just had to pass the city of Aars. Why, could you ask. Well, "aars" means "buthole" in the Netherlands (pardon my french) and we thought it was just hilarious to take a photo with the sign Aars. Hope you enjoy the photos :)