A new year means new resolutions! Since I love making lists I figured it would be fun to make some new years resolutions. This year with a special meaning: I would like to make the world better starting with myself.
With the whole climate f.cked up nowadays and a lot of trash outside on the sidewalks, with all the trafic on the streets and the airplanes flying over I figured that the world can use a little bit of help. And since my blog has some pageviews a day I would like to inspire you guys as well to make the world better.
Most of the blog readers are around a certain age (I think around 20 years old, excuse me if you're older/younger) which is giving them hopefully a lot of years to enjoy this world. Keep that in mind and think that you actually CAN do something! How? Just read my new years resolutions and think about it. Small things can make a difference too you know :-)

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New years resolutions 2012

* Stop using plastic bags
And use a very fashionable cotton one instead! Are you, like me, always accepting that every store puts your new goodies into a plastic bag? And do you throw them away afterwards? This is also applicable to groceries. As from the first of january 2012 I'll bring my own COTTON bag and do not accept the plastic ones anymore in the shops. And when it comes to grocery shopping, this is also a way of saving money (eventhough they are only 0,15 cents each, but still ;)). Want to know what plastic can do to the nature? Check by clicking HERE. I actually was inspired by this new years resolution by my old colleague and friend Merel with her blog"DE GROENE MEISJES". Check out her blog. They are writing in dutch but it's such a great blog about vegetarian food and other make-the-world-a-better-place goodies :)
* Stop buying/wasting bottles of water
I drink a lot of water, especially on board the aircraft. We carry tons of plastic bottles of water. And each crew member takes one to the hotel as well. Unfortunately, we throw them away afterwards. Why not keeping one bottle of water and refilling it, instead of taking a new bottle every single time? My boyfriend is working on a project when it comes to water bottles used in the airline industry. As soon as the project is growing, I would tell you more about it (if he approves it ofcourse). So in 2012, I'm keeping my own water bottle, clean and refill it every time instead of taking a new bottle every time. This has also to do with the waste of plastic, mentioned in the resolution above this one.
* Eating more vegetarian food
I haven't been a big fan of meat since I was a little girl, but I like a hamburger every now and then. The last couple of months I started to eat more meat replacers because my boyfriend is a (part time unfortunately) vegetarian as well. I don't miss the meat at all I must say. I'm thinking about becomming a complete vegetarian but am not quite sure yet. I need to think about a good diet. I lost some weight the lost months and completely stop eating meat is not going to help to gain weight I'm afraid. Untill then, in 2012 I'm going to eat more meat replacers and if I'm buying meat, it should be BIO meat, to make sure the animal has had a good life.
* Using the public transport and my bike more often
Gass is expensive. The taxes for a car are expensive. A car itself is expensive. And it's not very good for the nature. Since the location of my house is perfect when it comes to public transport to the airport or to the big city as Amsterdam, I'm going to use my bike and the public transport a lot more in 2012.
* Be active
Unfortunately I'm getting out of breath really quickly nowadays. Don't really know how I let that happen, but it's time to do something about it. As I mentioned in the resolution above this one, I'm going to use my bike more often! It's time to start moving :)
* Eat more healthy in general
No more salty products, no more quick visits to the junkfood palace, no more pizza's (Big BOOHOO!) and eating more vegetables and fruits. Yes people, this is one of the well known resolutions which is very hard to do. I'm a cabin attendant, I lead a relatively busy life and don't have a standard eating time. This one is going to be hard! But I'm going to do my utmost in 2012 to eat healtier food!
* STOP drinking redbull
I'm a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge fan of redbull. Since I don't drink any coke or coffee at all, so when I first discovered the high level of energy I'm having after drinking it, I became an addict to the stuff. I usually drink one can of redbull a day. But this needs to stop. I need to find other sources (read: food) to gain more energy. (Big BOOHOO again!) I'm a REAL addict, so this one is going to be difficult. Had my very redbull yesterday. Bye bye redbull!
And then the other ones which are not applicable to make the world better, but to make it more fun:
* Blogging a lot more
Need to say more?
* Spending more time with my boyfriend
Since we both work in the airline industry and are both away for a couple of days a week, it's sometimes difficult to see eachother. But let's make time to take a look at our rosters and plan some things so we can be together.
* Going to Cuba and Thailand/Cambodia with my boyfriend
Upcomming holiday plans: going to cuba a week as from the 28th of january. And we're going to travel around in Asia (thailand/cambodia) in the summer. We have three weeks of holiday then.
* Stop buying unnecessary things
I'm a spender, need to say more? It's time to change!
* Taking my mum to Venice and to NYC
It has been her dream since a long time, so why not make it happen?
* Spending more time with my loved ones in REAL LIFE (not on facebook!)
I spend too much time on facebook. Real life is so much more fun!
* Salsa dancing
I already had some salsa dancing classes and I want to improve my skills. Maybe a salsa bootcamp will help me :) And I need to dance in Cuba too!
* Becomming a member of a public library
I want to become smarter :) And I like the smell of old books :)
* Playing the piano
Improving my skills even more. I love playing the piano.
Happy new year kids!

good luck dear,
Happy New Year for you dear,
I'm following you via Bloglovin and please Follow me too ===> http://www.bloglovin.com/en/blog/2201312/deluxshionist
so that we can stay in touch and i can read your updates post everyday :)
Thank You
Herdiana Surachman
Leuk artikel! Lief dat je ons vermeld hebt, maar de link doet het helaas niet.. :(
Succes met je goede voornemens!
xx Merel van de groene meisjes hihi
Hey meis ik vind je block helemaal te gek.Blijf hem ook steeds volgen.
Hele dikke kuss van je Mams..
zoals elk jaar maak ik ook voornemens, (meer gaan lopen, meer sparen, minder snel boos worden,...)
Maar jouw ideeën inspireren me ook heel erg, vooral die rond het milieu.
Ik ga ook zo'n leuke linnen zak aanschaffen..
Bedankt voor de tip..
xoxo Lien
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