Amazing flashmob at London Heathrow!

Dutch christmas television program organised a flashmob at schiphol airport. You will also see the airline company I'm working for :-)

Two more days of initial course. And hopefully, after passing the last two exams, I'll recieve my wing and my five year contract! After 4 weeks of training, flying and totally having no social life what-so-ever, I'm ready to start my new job and basically my new life! Because being a cabin attendant and flying is definitely a way of living! Anyway, I passed all the previous exams and now there are only two more to go. But tonight I don't have anything to learn for and I hope you like this video I found online.

Will you keep your fingers crossed for me that I'll pass my exams on friday and recieve my wing? I'll keep you posted!

tamara said...

the flash mobs made me smile!
got my fingers crossed and i wish you luck! xxxx

Mirjam said...

Goodluck with your exams!!

char_link said...

It sounds like a great job. Good luck!!!



Jenna said...

good luck!
