RECEPT: Bruchetta

Just a lovely little nibble or perfect as a starter on a bright and sunny day: bruchetta. I swear by this recipe, so I wanted to share it with you.

What do you need (4 bruchetta's)
- 4 Tomatoes
- Mozarella Cheese
- Garlic
- Olive Oil (extra vergine)
- Basil
- Bread

First of all you toast the bread. In the mean time, you slice the tomatoes and mozarella in nice, thin pieces.

When the bread is ready and nicely toasted, cut the garlic in two pieces and rub the open and on the bread (when the bread is still warm, it's really easy to do, the garlic will 'melt')

Drop a view bits of olive oil over the breads and put the tomato and mozarella slices on it. Finish it with some fresh basil and some seasalt and pepper.

All done, hope you like it!
Bon appetit!
Anonymous said...

I LOVE bruchettas! :)))
The ones you made look delicious! ;)

Anonymous said...

go super delicious

Gagan said...

LOVE that blazer, it is so amazing! It looks great styled with those pants. Wish I was also basking in some sunlight right now!
