Versatile blogger award

I recieved the versatile blogger award from Aniek, thank you so much girl! It means a lot to me!

So the rules are, thank the one who gave you the award. Tell seven facts about yourself and nominate seven other bloggers. So here we go!

The seven facts
1. I have a very low alcohol tolerance and usually don't enjoy drinking.

2. Lately I don't have much time for my social life. I think I have two best friends and for me that's enough. I prefer quality over quantity.

3. I'm a shopaholic. I need to buy something, little or big, everyday. I buy to feel better and I buy to fill up my very rare days off. And I do feel stupid because of this. So for this moment, from now on (okay, from tomorrow 14-10-10), I stop buying. The only thing I allow myself to buy are food, beverages and traintickets.

4. I love italian food. Pizza, pasta's, everything. Love it. You can wake me up for a really good dish of spaghetti.

5. I love cars and airplanes, and do know quite a lot about both of them. I'm such a dork.

6. Just like everyone else, I find myself to be a tad misunderstood. Besides that, most of the time, I don't understand myself. I flip between trying to prove everyone wrong and really believing that I do not give a #$&*!

7. I have a really bad taste in music.

And I love starbucks, but that's fact 8, so it doesn't count

And the blogger I nominate:
Closet Fashionista
Amber Rose
My Fashion Findings
Summertime Den
Marisa said...

I agree with you, quality over quantity ;)
Italian food it's my favorite too!!!!! I love Pizza and Lasagna!

aisaicha said...

same with you about the social life. i really enjoy hangin' out with my closest friend rather than with a large group.

love your blog too much <3

Closet Fashionista said...

Congrats on the award, I love your facts :D
and thanks for passing it on to me!!! :D

Amber Schmidt said...

I love your facts thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much. ;)

You are an absolute doll, and I can relate to all of the facts you wrote. ;)

PS: You are gorgeous. Hope your Wednesday is lovely.

Kel & Jaz said...

Congrats on the award! You totally deserve it!

Love the facts!

xoxo, jaz

Cristi said...

Gefeliciteerd meis!

xx Cristi

Rosy Blue said...

Je hebt echt heel mooi haar!

Femme Virtue said...

i love italian food as well!

thanks for the nomination!

Lian G. said...


Liefs Lian
