Todays outfit is maybe some sort of a mixmatch. An unusual color combination, but I have to admit that I love it. I bought the lace shorts last summer in Vienna and they are from Forever21. I really love the lace, so cute! I tried to combine it with a mint sweater from h&m, I would love to hear your opinion about this odd combination.
Today I've been to Ikea, it's time to update my room and walk in closet with a desk! Yes boys and girls, Shalane is going to take The Fashion Moodboard to a next level, and a proper desk is really necessary to do so! Besides that, I just came back from a delicious diner with an old friend. She is going to be a flight attendant as wel, we're going to be collegues! So much fun, I'm really looking forward to work together with her in the cabin!
Remember my DIY Celine t-shirt? It was time to wear Celine again, but this time in combination with my burgundy faux leather pants, hope you like this combination!
And how are you doing? Everybody okay? I just came back from work: 6 days in a row of early shifts. Ewwwww... Yesterday was a very long and heavy day: 4 flights and 9 hours of duty time. But it was okay, lovely colleagues and friendly passengers. But I was to tired! So after a delicious diner at a tapas restaurant in Amsterdam (la pata negra) with a friend, I slept for 9 hours straight!
Yesterday I felt like Alice in Vintage Wonderland when I discovered this cute vintage store right in the citycenter of Toulouse. The beautiful owner allowed me to take some pictures of this pretty place and her vintage treasures. I was delighted to see a mix of vintage and secondhand high street fashion brands. It's the place to be to dress like a true parisian girl and get matching jewelry, bags and shoes.
Next time I'll definitely bring my wallet to take something back to the Netherlands. I have seen so many beautiful items which I would love to have, but unfortunately this month is not a good month to spend money ;)
But you can, if you like! If you visit Toulouse, Backstage Vintage is definitely a must see on your list. Toulouse has a lot of vintage stores, but this one is by far the best and as soon as you enter the store you're filled with inspiration, that's a promise!
Right now I'm blogging from my hotelroom in Toulouse. Spend all day outside in the freezing cold wandering around. My previous visit to Toulouse must have been over a year ago, and I was really trying to request this nightstop. Not only because I love this city, but also because there was some gossip in the gally (of the airplane, red) that we would change hotels. Thank goodness that didn't happen, we stay in our old hotel right in the citycenter of Toulouse.
The thing I love about Toulouse is that it has amazing shops. Do you know the spanish brand 'Stradivarius'? I was so happy when I found it in Toulouse, and I really love their clothes. But today was not a good day to shop, so I bought nothing and am now back in my warm hotelroom. Time for some sleep, but first... my pictures!
I forgot to mention one thing which I absolutely and truly hate about my job: getting called out of reserve duty at 5 o'clock in the morning. Speaking of which, this is exactly what happend to me this morning. After just 4 hours of sleep, I heared my phone rang and looked at the time: 5.01AM. If I could do a Copenhagen up and down.
It resulted in being home quite early, but I would have loved to get more sleep. I just had less than 4 hours, but that was maybe my own fault. I went to the movies last night with a friend and had a cup of tea afterwards. A good evening, but coming home at 23.30 is not ideal when your personal alarm clock is at 5AM.
Enough said about my job. Here's my outfit of the day, combined with one of the most beautiful backgrounds I've ever seen. It's just an ordinary landscape, but together with the sunshine and the dark clouds, it turned out to be just perfect. I'm wearing my new tie dye skinny jeans from h&m, just all the shades of grey are here today. Really don't like the book though...
Lately I received dozens of emails from girls who want to know everything about being and becoming a flight attendant. I decided to write it all down for you, my answers to your most frequently asked questions about my job as a flight attendant. I decided to write it in English but in Dutch as well, since most of the questions I receive are from my fellow dutchies. Besides that, a couple of airlines in the Netherlands are hiring again, so if you consider becoming a flight attendant, read my article below! :)
And just one more thing: I know I'm not good at writing in English, so please bear with me while I do my utmost to make an interesting and good article for you. If you see really huge mistakes, let me know and I'll change things. Same goes for Dutch, I know it's not completely perfect but I did my best! :)
Tomorrow I'll be presenting an idea to my airline. It's all about social media, I hope it will work. Besides that, I have sold a lot of clothes and am still bringing packages to the post office every day. Keep in mind I will consider to sell everything which you see on my blog, so please do send me an email if you're interested in buying something.
Days are passing by and slowely it starts to feel like spring is around the corner. I can't wait! And what do you think about my new sweater? I noticed this beauty in a campaign in the dutch glamour magazine and I was searching for it. I saw it when I was in Basel, but the prices in Switzerland are extremely high. Thank goodness I found it yesterday in Utrecht after a fun day with a friend. The price was good: just 19,95 (instead of the 34,95 you pay online, strange huh?). I decided to wear it together with my leather shorts and a pink lipstick.
And more news: what do you think about the new design? Do you like it? Or do you prefer the old one? I think it's time to take the Fashion Moodboard to a new level, and I hope this design will help! :)
Lyon, oh Lyon. While you're still miles away from Paris and are not known as the city of love, you made me fall in love with you. I was delighted to spend Valentine's day in Lyon, but never realised I would be all by myself that particular day. The other crew members were joined by their loved ones and I was the only one who was... alone.
But Lyon, I saw your pretty side: your old town, your beautiful roman theatre, the big basilique and the rhône river running through your citycenter as your veins would do through your heart. I loved your petite salons du thé, the restaurants and the beautiful Place Bellecour, the heart of your soul.
Thank you Lyon, for lighting up my Valentine's Day and for letting a Dutchie fall in love with you, you beautiful French city. I can't wait to see your trees in full bloom and your flower filled fields. Shall we meet again during spring? I'll bring some sunshine, promise...
Hi dear sweethearts, I'm sorry, but this is going to be for my dutch readers only...
Ik bied heel erg veel kleding aan op marktplaats, ook veel wat jullie hier op mijn blog hebben gezien, daarnaast nog nieuwe en nooit eerder geplaatste items. Ik wil dit jaar weer naar Thailand en kan al het geld goed gebruiken. Al mijn kleding is in super goede staat en is van maat 34 tot maat 38. HEEL erg veel vintage (ik verkoop bijna mijn gehele blazer collectie, waaronder enkele prachtstukken!), veel zara en veel h&m, maar ook andere merken!
Mochten jullie iets op mijn blog hebben gezien wat niet op marktplaats staat en toch geïnteresseerd zijn om het te kopen: mail mij! Ik wil dolgraag naar Thailand en ben bereid om over alle biedingen na te denken :-) Voor jullie informatie: Ik ben 1.75m lang en heb ongeveer maat 34/36.
Ik stuur alles op (alleen binnen Nederland) maar je mag het ook altijd afhalen. Ik woon in Koog aan de Zaan, dichtbij station Koog Bloemwijk. Ik ben evt. bereid naar station Zaandam te komen (kan je combineren met een primark shopuitje!). Aangezien ik vlieg als stewardess kan ik helaas dus niet altijd! Mail mij voor vragen! (
I must admit: I love black and white pictures. Sometimes, when you have a boring picture, it looks so much better in black and white! Don't you think so? Yesterday I went out and tried the actual black&white and sepia filter on my camera, and the pictures turned out to be pretty awesome. Hope you like them!
Three days left of my annual leave, and I am sick, again... Think my previous cold wasn't strong enough, because it came back: even worse than before. But with lots of paracetamol, vitamine C and fruits and veggies I hope I will get better soon. And since I can't stay inside all day, I decided to make the most out of my annual leave and went to Bergen, School and Groet, all in the north of the Netherlands close to the coast. It was a fun day together with my mum. I also went to the store in Bergen Tally-Ho, be sure to check the store when you're in town! They have amazing brands, friendly staff en a beautiful store!
So what are you girls and guys up to? Any plans for the weekend? I'm going to have a huge closet clear out tomorrow and will put everything on marktplaats, which is kind of a dutch ebay. Stay tuned!
When I woke up, the world was yet again covered in snow... It came somehow as a suprise, since I already had my 'spring is around the corner' feeling, but I got fooled big time! Anyway, again some snowy dutch landscape pictures. I'm wearing my Kenzaa shirt again, it's called the Nichi top and is just 18 euro's, amazing huh? Perfect for winter but I'm also really looking forward to wear it during the summer. If you would like to see my previous outfit post with this particular nichi top from kenzaa, please click here.
So right now a simple yet comfortabel combination with high waisted shorts, a tailored boyfriend blazer and ofcourse my all time favorite studded boots by Alysa Moda. I hope you like this outfit and I'm now going to pray for more sunshine and less snow. I need some vitamine D!
It has been a while since my last models off duty post, but since spring is -almost- around the corner, I think it's time for some brand new inspirations by the girls which I admire the most. It's where I get my idea's for outfits from and I personally think that models do a good job when it comes to their personal style. They see the trends before we do, so why not seek for inspiration? But they look good in everything though...
I have a complete week off (annual leave), which is like totally amazing! I'm not going anywhere, I'm saving money for my big trip in may/june to Thailand with a friend. But spending time at home is not that bad right now, I have finally time to update my blog. What do you think of my new header? This one is going to stay, promise! And I'm going to make business cards, so I really hope you like it! Besides updating my blog, I'm also updating my room. Cleaning, selling clothes, organizing,... yeah lot's of stuff to do.
Finally, a what's in my bag post! I was thinking about making a new one for a couple of months (check out my old what's in my bag post here), since my old post was well... old. So here is my updated version. Don't you love my new and cute little bow iphone 4 case? Thanks again Iconemesis!
So, what's in my bag?
1. Very cute leather make up bag from Fab
2. Note/Sketchbook and pen from Hema
3. Hermès wallet from thailand (yes it's fake but I love it anyway)
4. Victoria's Secret perfume
5. Nivea handcreme
6. Extra mint gum
7. Labello pink
8. My keys, with a lovely keychain from La Duree via Annath blog
9. New Ipad 2 with moustache sleeve from Bershka
10. Very cute bow iphone case from Iconemesis
I don't have one specific bag which I carry around all the time. It's changing day by day and so is it's content. But the things I've showed you are the things I use and carry around most often. I never leave my house without my wallet, keys, labello and phone. If I go to an event, take outfitpictures or travel I always bring my pocketcamera OR my DSRL (canon 1000D) with me. What do you girls and guys carry around? Hope you liked this post!
I've found this vintage jeans a couple of days ago during a shopping spree in the thriftstore. I was looking for a nice pair of boyfriend jeans for a long time. Since most of them are overpriced or just not exactly what I want (the vintage look), I decided to make one myself.
So I bought the jeans, looked up on youtube for a tutorial how to make holes in your jeans and did my thing. I washed it and this is how it turned out! Do you like it? I decided to make a simple look with a tee and a leather jacket. Besides that, the weather today was perfect enough to wear my dicker boots.
Last friday, february 1st, Co/motion PR and PRBB organized the high end summer event in their beautiful showroom located in the citycenter of Amsterdam. It was my very first time to go to a press event and it was so much fun! Besides meeting great bloggers like Les is More, Fashiable, Fabulous Style WS, Jennie from the blog, Style Chameleon and many more, it was amazing to discover new brands!
I absolutely loved the summer collection of Numph, 10 Feet, Blend and my all time favorite was the beautiful maxi dress from Nikkie Plessen, seen on the picture above. Her collection in general is pretty amazing as well, but this dress is an absolute winner! The evening was filled with lots of chatting about fashion and photography, eating delicious food, drinking the best mojitos and there was a wheel of fortune! Besides an amazing goodiebag from Esprit I won a dress from Numph and a beautiful mint colored jacket with the wheel of fortune, pretty amazing huh?
The snow already disappeared almost a week ago in the Netherlands, but since I make my posts in advance, I had to show you the beauty of the Netherlands when it's covered in snow and ice... We're funny peeps, Dutchies I mean: we love cycling and... ice skating! As soon as it starts freezing, we're all getting a bit nervous. Will the ice be thick enough to skate? And as soon as it's thick enough, all the dutchies get their skates and go out into the fields, canals and lakes for hours of ice skating fun combined with 'koek and zoopie' (cookies and warm drinks).
Anyway, my friend and I went to the beautiful 'Vondelpark' in Amsterdam to skate, but unfortunately the ice was not thick enough. So we went to the famous 'Jaap Eden' skate track, which is also located in Amsterdam as well. We did quite a few rounds. My friend is actually pretty good on the skates, while I am... NOT. I learned skating at the age of 4 and did it almost every winter, but I am still not good. It's not my talent, but I enjoy it alot! Here are my pictures! Hope you enjoy.