Goodevening dear readers!
I would like to thank you again for all the sweet comments and for those who took the effort to follow my blog. I really appreciate it! And if you have any suggestions or tips to make my blog more fun to read, please let me know! :)
And finally, I'm having my annual leave. I'm not going abroad unfortunately but I still enjoy my time off. If you have any nice ideas for me what I can do during my annual leave, let me know! :)
And now back to my outfit: I bought this sweater last year and still love it. I guess it's because of the flowers, I'm a floral person, a girly girl :) I wanted to make it a little bit more edgy with the FAKE(!) leather pants. You think it worked out?

Sweater - h&m ? euro || fake leather pants - h&m || anke booties - zara

As I already mentioned a couple of times on The Fashion Moodboard, I love Zooey deschanel as an actor, a blogger, a singer and most of all as a fashionable gal. She's my girl crush! It all started when I saw [500] days of summer in the cinema almost two (or is it three?) years ago. I love the movie so much that I went to the cinema twice. As soon as it came out on DVD, I bought it and watched it for another 6 or 7 times. And I never get bored. Besides the story of Summer and the way the movie was filmed, I loved the clothes! She looks awesome in every single outfit!
After 500 days of summer, I watched a couple of other movies from Zooey and liked them all, but not as much as I loved 500 days of summer. And right now she's playing in a new serie: New Girl. I only saw the screencaps on her fanpage, but haven't seen the serie yet. It sounds really good and the pictures look great.

Zooey in 'real-life' is known for her 60's inspired style and owns a lot of beautiful dresses and vintage clothing. As a vintage lover myself, I like a lot of her outfits! She looks amazing in the dresses and shorts with cute blouses.
Besides that, her hair is AMAZING! Can you tell she inspires me a lot?
Zooey's Tumblr
Zooey's Twitter
Zooey's Blog
Zooey's Music
Gosh, only 5 more followers until I reach 400! That's amazing! I would like to thank each and every follower of this blog for their support :) It's so great to read all your lovely comments and really makes blogging worthwhile.
I just came back from my Venice/Vienna trip and have a bunch of pictures to share with you. Venice is one of the destinations which I would like to visit for a holiday as well. It was an amazing trip!
And now back to the outfit of the day which I took a week ago. I made these pictures with my new 50mm lens and am really, really happy with it!

Blouse - primark 5 euro || pants - zara 30 euro || cardigan - forever 21 || boots - h&m 30 euro
I'm in the middle of packing my suitcase for my Venice - Vienna trip because I'm leaving tonight. Besides that, I'm cleaning the house, have a bunch of clothes in the washing machine, change the bed sheets and blogging around. Multitasking right? Well, not really. I'm now stuck behind my laptop reading other blogs. While I can do other things :)
But I just wanted to share you my outfit and some good news: I finally have my 50mm f1.8 lens! It arrived yesterday at my mum's house all the way from China. My precious baby. I'll take it with me to Venice ofcourse! So stay tuned!

Pants - H&M 10 euro || Blouse - thrift 2,50 euro || Boots - H&M 30 euro || Hat - H&M sale 3 euro