Outfit of the day

Last night I went out with a friend of mine and we had so much fun! Being at work alot and not having that much time to spend with your friends makes it sometimes a bit difficult, but when I finally see them we have alot to tell! It is never boring!

Anyway, this is what I wore yesterday:
Jeans - zara
Shoes - H&M
Blazer - H&M
Top - H&M

FLYING: Bristol

After 5 days of flying I'm back in town! And already missing the sun in Marseille and the shops in Bristol! Anyway, I have two days off and wanted to show you my new hairdo! After a couple of attempts to go back to blonde and absolutely ruining my hair, I can finally say I'm blonde again (and broke, it cost me over 150 euros! ;-)) It is still a little bit yellow unfortunately but I hope to be natural blonde in a couple of weeks. It takes a bit of time of course. Anyway, just some pictures from the places I've been lately. I went to Marseille (no pictures unfortunately, but it was amazing and extremely sunny!), to Bristol (see the pictures, shopping heaven!) and to Sandefjord. Bristol was absolutely fantastic!




STEWARDESS: Wing ceremony!

After 4,5 weeks of working really hard, having no time for my social life, learning and flying around Europe I finally signed my contract and recieved my wing! I'm so proud! This has always been my biggest dream, and now it finally came true! I'm officialy a cabin attendant!

And hopefully I'll have some more time to write for the fashion moodboard. I miss it! But I'm wearing my uniform most days of the week. Besides that, I don't have time to shop anymore! But hopefully when I fly around Europe I have time to shop in Germany, the U.K. or scandinavia! And hopefully I'll have some interesting things for you soon! So stay tuned!


Amazing flashmob at London Heathrow!

Dutch christmas television program organised a flashmob at schiphol airport. You will also see the airline company I'm working for :-)

Two more days of initial course. And hopefully, after passing the last two exams, I'll recieve my wing and my five year contract! After 4 weeks of training, flying and totally having no social life what-so-ever, I'm ready to start my new job and basically my new life! Because being a cabin attendant and flying is definitely a way of living! Anyway, I passed all the previous exams and now there are only two more to go. But tonight I don't have anything to learn for and I hope you like this video I found online.

Will you keep your fingers crossed for me that I'll pass my exams on friday and recieve my wing? I'll keep you posted!


Spring/Summer Inspiration

Since I'm really done with the winter and getting a little bit depressed when I look outside and see nothing but grey sky and lots of rain, I figured it might be fun to show you some spring/summer inspiration. Just to cheer you guys up. Hope it helps! And what are the looks and trends you're going for the upcomming season? Let me know!

Now I'm off learning and packing. Tomorrow I'll be flying to Prague first and then to Vienna, to spend there a night.

STEWARDESS: Inspiratie video

Video not by me, but just to give you a short impression of my job

FLYING: Europa

Beautiful Sandefjord
Freezing Sandefjord
Beautiful cathedral in Nice
'Touching' the Mediterranean Sea.
Mont Blanc
Absolutely amazing view at 10kms

Hi everyone! It's been a while. Hope you understand, I'm so busy! Last night I came back from my three-day working/training trip. It was so much fun and I've learned alot! I spend the first night in Sandefjord (Norway) and yesterday I went to Nice (France). In the upcomming weekend I'll fly to Vienna and monday I'll be back. Tuesday I'll go back to the initial course for my final exams and then I hope to recieve my wing and be an official cabin attendant :)