FLYING: Trondheim

Hi dear all,

Two weeks ago it was time to enjoy the autumn colors of Trondheim, Norway. As a flight attendant I'm going on nightstops/layovers several times a week. This nightstop was pretty perfect: we took a tram to go up to the mountains to see a beautiful lake.

I've been to Trondheim already a couple of times, and I'm always in for something fun. Since it was not my firs time here, I'm pretty familiar with the city itself and the highlights. But I've never heard of this lake or that you can take a tram into the mountains, this was all new stuff for me! And it was a great experience!

The ride itself was amazing: such a beautiful view! If you want to do the same: take the tram and go to the final stop 'Lian'. The lake was gorgeous and the orange colored trees looked so beautiful, it was a breathtaking view!

P.s: it would be amazing if you would 'LIKE' my facebook page! Please click here! :)

Coat: H&M // Jeans: New Yorker // Boots: Unknown store in Amsterdam
Blognroller said...

Je bent echt een mooi meisje om te zien en ook hele mooie foto's! Liefs

Unknown said...

Prachtige foto's !

I am A Love Addict said...

Love your coat

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sarasilva said...

oh, I wasn't expecting you coming to my blog!
You're welcome, I really like your blog! Keep on the good work :)
Kisses *

Mademoiselle Sophistiqué said...

prachtige foto's! en die outfit van je ziet er heerlijk comfy en warm uit, erg mooi!

Anonymous said...

Love all the photos! Really Pretty Outfit! <3

Att. Alexa B.
