Hi sweethearts,
I just got back from a five day trip on an early schedule. I'm so tired, my alarmclock went off every morning between 4 and 5 AM. It's hard to keep my eyes open at this point.
So after 3 flights I came back home today and because the weather was so beautiful, my mum and I decided to do an outfit shoot in the park nearby. We've already done several shoots here, because it's so beautiful! But today was even more amazing, since it was surrounded by orange and yellow trees. Perfect!
And while entering the park, we noticed so many ducks! It was like crazy, and they weren't shy at all! They came pretty close, as they thought we had bread. Which we forgot ofcourse. But they still seemed to like us anyway, haha!
The holiday is coming closer and closer and we're probably trying to go to Cape Town in two weeks, I can't wait! With trying I actually do mean trying, because we're going on 'staff travel'. This means we can fly really cheap, but only if there are seats available on a flight. And cape town is a popular destination, so cross the fingers the flight is not full!
P.s: it would be amazing if you would 'LIKE' my facebook page! Please click here! :)
cute pics
a, stripes.
I'm loving it!
lovely photos.
I love these photos! Flying all the time sounds really fun
The Koalafornian x
You look so cute! And the photos are just beautiful and so is your outfit!
Wauw! Heel mooi!
With love,
n e w b l o g | justlikesushi.com
Nice Photos
Erg leuke outfit! Dit is een coole manier om streepjes in de herfst/winter te dragen :D
xx Stephanie (www.stephaniesstyleblog.com)
Leuk! Ik ben fan van die trui. Xx
Wat een leuke outfit en foto's! Hopelijk kan je in je vakantie een beetje bijkomen! :)
XX Sonja
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