Sometimes I feel I need to dress a bit more "grown up/my age". Not too many colors, just one popping out. That's why I created this look. My favorite black skinny jeans, a basic white blouse and a turqouise blazer.
And while this outfit post is comming online, I'm off to germany, Stuttgart to be precise. It's time for a 5 day trip, starting with a nightstop in Stuttgart. It's been so long! I love stuttgart, the hotel is really good. And on sunday eve I'm back in town. Hopefully the weather is cleared up by then. It's raining cats and dogs for days now, which is turning me a little bit crazy.

After spending two days in the beautiful but sweaty hot jungle of kanchanaburi, we drove a couple of hours to the south and stopped at the biggest floating market of Thailand. We hopped in a very small boat and bought drinks and food from the local Thai people. Hours later we reached the royal beaches of Hua Hin. It was like coming back to civilization with a mac donalds, burger king and pizza hut at every corner of the street. (after a couple of days rice for breakfast, lunch and diner I was kind of done with rice, can you imagine?) And not to forget: you can get a thai massage at every corner too!
However I think Hua Hin is not only a place where the rich and famous of Thailand have a relaxed holiday: it's also a place with lots of old european/american men with very young thai lady's. That was the part which I DIDN'T like about Hua Hin. You saw them EVERYWERE with their young girls.
I spend 2 days in Hua Hin, which is enough. Hua Hin is a nice getaway if you don't want to go to far away from Bangkok. The beaches are nice, and if you want to get away from Hua Hin you can go to Sam Roi Yod national park, which was pretty amazing if you ask me. I went to Sam Roi Yod for one complete day and sailed around the little islands.
Warning, picture overload. Want to see more? Click those words below!

A tad too big for me, but I certainly am in love with my new/secondhand mango navajo sweater. I've been searching for this sweater for such a long time, but finaly found it online, only not the right size. But I don't mind wearing things which are oversized, it looks baggy and is very comfortable to wear. Ideal for covering up belly's who are blown by all the food (or airplanes, in my case... Pressurized cabins are NOT good for belly's people!)
Curious how I styled this sweater? Click those words!

For big plans you need time, and not to forget: money. I don't have both of them. So my big plans are for the future, I had to put them aside. And while I'm saving money to buy my own house next year (they're giving young people a hard time here in the Netherlands when you want to buy a house), I decided to give my room an update.
Out with the old and in with the secondhand ;)

Day 2 in Thailand. From Ayutthaya we drove about 2,5 hours to the west to the jungle province of Kanchanaburi. If you think Bangkok has extreme temperatures, visit Kanchanaburi! It was indescribably hot!
We spend our nights in a floating jungle hotel without any source of electricity. Oil lamps for the win baby! The water for the shower was heated up by the sun and our food was cooked on gas. This was such an amazing and unforgetable experience and I'm so glad I did it!
I stayed in Kanchanaburi for 2 days, and payed a visit to the Hellfire pass, the bridge over the river kwai, the war cemeteries, the jeath war museum, the erawan waterfalls and I went to an elephant village! And in Kanchanaburi I met some cute little monkeys, which was a dream coming true.
Warning, picture overload!!!

I'm having a hate/love relationship with my phone this week. I need to keep it with me ALL the time, it's that time of the month again... (no, not that time you think!) Reserve duty for one week, 12 hours a day. For the ones visiting my blog for the first time: I'm a flight attendant. And every now and then we have stay-at-home-next-to-the-phone duty, and we must be able to be at schiphol airport within one hour when they call us for a flight. Not my favorite thing to do.
Anyway, I put my suitcase, uniform and trolley in the back of my car and drove towards the harbor to take some outfit pictures and grab a lunch. These were the only pants I took with me when I was in Thailand. So it feels kinds strange right now wearing them while it's so cold outside! Hopefully the summer will come back soon!

After my 10,5 hour flight and 2 hour busride I went directly to Ayutthaya, it was time to visit the tempels/ruïns. I was still in the twilight zone due to the lack of sleep, the time difference and not to forget the wave of heat. When I left the Netherlands, it was around 15 degrees. And arriving in Bangkok in the early morning, the temperature was already far above 30 degrees celcius! So it was pretty difficult to let my body adjust. Anyway, covering my shoulders and legs for the temple visit was not very comfortable.
My first stop was at a gigantic lying buddah, covered with gold. The temples were all covered with orange sheets, which was pretty amazing and colorful to see! We walked around for a while and them moved on to our next stop: the ruïns. There was a small and crowded market which we had to cross first before we arrived at the ruïns. Remembered the water problems Thailand faced last year? The ruïns got damaged even more, so at the time we arrived, they were trying to restore the damage.

It's almost three weeks ago since I touched down in the Netherlands. I had one week left to relax and to get rid of my jetlag. And now I'm back in my normal routine, it feels like I never left. So time to go back to reality, where operating 4 flights a day and spending 5 days a week in a hotel is a normal thing to do. But it feels good. I enjoy work more than before and I'm looking forward to discover new places in Europe.
These pictures were taken on a rainy, cold and very typical dutch day. Temperatures dropped today to a freezing 13 degrees celcius, which is pretty cold for summertime if you ask me. I decided to wear my floral pants again (I already showed it twice on my previous blog) and combined it with my favorite waterfall jacket. Ready to face the cold wind.

Imagine this: for a long, long time you have the feeling you don't know exactly who you are anymore. You can't remember your last holiday and besides that, you broke up with your boyfriend 8 weeks before your holiday together.
That's exactly how I felt a couple of weeks ago. Nobody wanted and was able to join me on a holiday and I couldn't get rid of the 'GET ME OUT OF THIS SH*TH*LE' (read: The Netherlands) feeling. So I decided to take a plane and fly for 10,5 hours and 5988 miles all the way to Bangkok. So let me take you on my journey with me...

I started the Fashion Moodboard two years ago, on the 7th of july 2010 to be precise. After a year and a half of blogging about my dreams, idea's and my life in general, I needed a break. Not sure at that time if it would be a temorarily or a complete break. I broke up with my boyfriend and took a plane to Thailand, mostly for the sun but also to rediscover my goals, my needs and most important: myself.
And here I am, back in my good old hometown close to Amsterdam, discovered that I truly and deeply missed blogging. I decided to start clear. I re-opened the fashion moodboard and I'm filled with new inspiration and idea's, ready to share them with my dearest readers.
And yes, I've missed you guys. I recieved a lot of emails after announcing my 'break' from blogging. And I would like to thank each and every one of you for the support, trust, kindness and sweet words. It helped me alot and it made me realise how much and why I love blogging: to get in touch with my readers.
Thanks so much and welcome to the new and hopefully improved fashion moodboard.