No outfit pictures today. I'm having my relaxed day off. And I'm not wearing anything which is really spectaculair, it's mainly comfortable as you can understand :) Anyway, I wanted to share with you guys my new plans with the fashion moodboard. From now on, I will try to post at least five times a week, since I still have my fulltime job as well. This is how it's going to look like:
Monday: not blogging.
Tuesday: not blogging.
Wednesday: World Wide Wednesday. I will share 4 links with you from the world wide web. Those links can be blogs, songs or movies on youtube and other great pages.
Thursday: Thursday Today. What was my day like? The things I liked about it and didn't like. A picture I like today, a song I listened to today, etcetera. Everything about my thursday.
Friday: Outfitpicture
Saturday: Outfitpicture
Sunday: Currently I'm... everything what I do currently. And maybe an outfitpost.

And since it's sunday today, I'll start with
'Currently I'm'* Wuha, guess what, updating my blog!
* Not really looking forward to the upcomming week. Lot of work is waiting for me :(
* Washing my 'new' clothes. I went to a fleamarket today and bought a couple of nice things, which I'll show you later.
* Thinking about what I should give my friend for her birthday next week (any suggestions?)
* Listening to the auditions of the voice of holland, which is something like the dutch version of idols/popstars.