Twenty Four

Today it's the 24th of april 2013, the day I'm turning 24. When this post will be online, I'm flying to Nice (France) for work. I took some pictures yesterday and I would like to take this opportunity to look back on this crazy yet amazing year, do you want to look back with me?

It has been a crazy year, 2012 and 2013. Almost a year ago, just five days after my 23th birthday, I broke up with my boyfriend after a relationship of more than a year. It was sad yet one of the best things I did. Not because of him, but because we just weren't meant to be. And after a couple of months of being angry about all sorts of things, we talk now and that's really nice. He's not a person I hate, we had a great year together which I won't forget nor regret.

After the break-up, I booked a holiday to Thailand and I stopped with my blog. It was all just too much to handle at that time. But I always had in mind that I would go back to blogging. So I used my holiday to relax and to think about things. I went all by myself for three weeks. It was my very first time outside europe, and it has been an amazing adventure and I saw so many beautiful things! I truly fell in love with Thailand and I went back home with new friends and good memories. It was amazing to discover a new country and travel around. I loved the beach, bangkok, the jungle, I loved it all.

After coming back from Thailand, I started blogging again and renewed the layout and the header. The summer of 2012 was great: lot's of meetings with friends, dating, chilling and relaxing. I went to some great parties and the weather in The Netherlands was not too bad.

And if the weather sucked in the Netherlands, I went to some lovely places thanks to work. I went to Nice (france) and Bologna (italy) a couple of times during the high season. It was amazing. I went to Saint Tropez and more amazing city's and discovered the best food in town. Besides that, I bought my new car and enjoyed the good summer weather to the max! Eg. picknicks in the park and festivals.

And when the autumn kicked in, my blog began to grow even more than it did before. I recieved invitations for press days, blogger events and worked together with amazing webshops. I'm so pleased with the things as they are right now. It's amazing to meet the other bloggers, the people from the PR agency's and to see all the new collections first.

The winter was cold but amazing. I spend christmas in Trondheim and Bologna and did a dog sled tour! Best experience ever! I also went to Triest and the best thing this winter was iceskating with my bf :)

And the best thing? After dating, being friends and talking about going to Thailand together just as friends, I have a boyfriend! On the 1st of april, while enjoying an airline crew party, my 'friend' asked my to become his girlfriend. I'm so in love! And I can't wait to go to Thailand together in... 2,5 weeks!!!

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  1. Gefeliciteerd! Wat gaaf dat je nu naar Frankrijk bent! De allerlaatste foto is lief!

  2. Gefeliciteerd! Maak er een heerlijke dag van, maar doet moet wel lukken met dit weer!

  3. Happy Birthday! Wat leuk dat jullie samen naar Thailand gaan!

  4. Wat een leuke post! :D Hier word ik echt heel blij van, je ziet er zo gelukkig uit :) Superleuk trouwens, dat je weer naar Thailand gaat.

  5. late happy b-day!!
    Hope you enjoyed it!!

    So happy for you that all goes well now ;)

    Congrats with your boy ;)


  6. Een beetje laat maar nog gefeliciteerd!
    Superleuke foto's! En wat een leuk vriendje heb je!


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♥ Shalane
