FLYING: Bologna

I wrote a couple of posts about Bologna. Simply because it's my all time favorite destination. I try to request a Bologna nightstop one a month. It's the food, the people, the fashion, the drinks. Bologna has it all.

And the most amazing thing about Bologna is the friday and saturday fleamarket. Every week! Amazing clothes, I already bought a lot of things from there, true vintage and really, REALLY cheap! I went to Bologna last saturday, but the weather was hideous. It was raining and there was a thunderstorm as well. So we enjoyed a good red wine and some nice parma ham in a local trattoria.

In between the rainshowers I went to the flea market and bought a blue dress, a cute blouse and a vintage Levi's 501. I also took a couple of pictures, which I hope you like!

Jeans: The Sting // Sweater: H&M // Ballerina's: Primark

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♥ Shalane
