A crazy rollercoaster ride

I'm soooo sorry I've neglected the blog! Not that my reason for being absent is a good excuse, but still... My week was stressfull, with too many hours up in the air and a stupid date, because I got dumped at the end of the evening. Totally not so very f*cking amazing.

Anyway, life goes on and so am I. Tomorrow it's the first of december, my mum's birthday! I'm thinking of taking her out to a nice tapas restaurant. Besides that, I'm working on new blog posts. Stay tuned for more great things!

Hope you are all okay. See you. xoxo

Follow The Fashion Moodboard


  1. I am sorry you were dumped :( I hope you have a great time with your mom on her birthday though!


  2. so sorry to hear about that... hope you are feeling good now. happy birthday to your amazing mom and looking forward to the posts! xx

  3. Fuck who ever broke your heart/dumped you,
    eat a lot of mandarins (seriously, they have the same instant-happy effect as chocolate and they are wayyyy more healty! :D I'm speaking out of experience!)
    your fab follower
    >but hey I've got a new outfit-post, check it out maybe? :)
    I'd be honoured *read this in a British-accent* hihi ;)

  4. Blij dat je er weer bent! Arme jij,, dat is nooit leuk! maar hé ,, hij is het niet waard om verdrietig te zijn! Je bent fantastische!
    En het is alweer december, dus een nieuwe maand, met nieuwe kansen!

    Keep your head up! :)

  5. Lieve allemaal, dear all:

    I'm so blessed with all of you as my readers. I'm thankfull you keep returning to my blog and comment on my posts. It feels like a warm bath and I think you are all the absolute best!



Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment

♥ Shalane
