The Fashion Moodboard challenge update week 1

One week has gone by. So just a quick update about my very own challenge. How are you girls and guys doing? Still eating healthy? Or have you had some snacks, like me?

I bought a lot of good food today. Enough fruit at least for one week! Would love to eat different fruit as well though, but I can't think of anything else but bananas, kiwis and oranges. Only during work it's a bit different. I eat lots of tomatoes and kiwi's during the flight as well. We have a special 'crewbox' with fruit and sandwiches for the crew. So I usually eat a lot of fruit.

I also bought lineseed, chiaseeds and wheatgrass powder! I would love to own a blender, don't have one yet but I do mix my seeds with my yoghurt. Can't wait to make my very own healthy smoothies!

And just a small overview of my meals from the last week. My breakfast is always basically the same. But I discovered overnight oats two days ago and I really like it, so I might stick to that. Food is going OK, I had some bad food though, I was graving for a pizza and bought a fresh one at the airport in between flight. With lots of veggies though, but still... I haven't touched any redbull in a month, very pleased with that! And I haven't been drinking any alcohol for the past week. I miss it a little bit but I like it because it's so much cheaper when you don't drink any alcohol ;)

When it comes to fitness I pretty much SUCK. I just did 1 proper work out in the week, due to the lack of time and motivation. Too bad. Hopefully next week will be better!

Follow The Fashion Moodboard


  1. Gaat al goed zo te lezen! :)

  2. Goed bezig! De foto's zien er goed uit :)

  3. There's dragon fruit, apple and celery, jack fruit, beet root, avocado, so many other types of fruits that you can try! <3



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♥ Shalane
