Redbull Rehab

I'm going cold turkey... And it's difficult! I'm a little redbull junkie, I had to drink 1 redbull a day, which I did. 1 redbull was my max, but there wasn't a day without a redbull. It gave new energy, but after a high there's always a 'low'. So after my sugar/coffeine rush, I felt even more tired than before. I had a love and hate relationship with redbull. I really needed it when I wake up at 4AM in the morning for a day with 4 flights. But I also needed it later during the day, to give me some extra energy.

But I'm going cold turkey now. I haven't drank any redbull or energizing drink in 7 days. 7 days! Yeah, I do miss it. But it doesn't fit in my new and healthy lifestyle. I'm also planning (yeah, planning...) on skipping pizza's, pasta's and fried food for a while. Stay tuned...
Blazer: H&M Divided // Jeans: Primark // Boots: Alysa

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  1. Really cute outfit! Love it.

    X lisa

  2. Prachtige outfit! Wat een leuk vestje :)

  3. Haha, wat grappig dat je zo verslaafd bent aan redbull! Wel knap dat je zo ineens gestopt bent. Ik ga deze maand zonder frisdrank en andere gekke sapjes proberen te overleven, eens kijken of dat gaat lukken! Liefs.

  4. Great look! Love that blazer and the high pony looks so effortlessly chic

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  5. Lovely look babe! En gek is dat hé, dat je daar verslaafd aan kan raken. ik las het wel eens, heel erg als die bijwerkingen etc. maar daar heb jij geen last van ;-)
    Succes bebe


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♥ Shalane
