Get fit in 4 weeks: FMB challenge!

I'm counting the days till summer holiday (Thailand again this year) and I would love to be in a good shape. Don't get me wrong, I know I'm already 'slim', but still have some fat I would like to get rid off and muscles I would like to become visible. Yes, I do want to become FIT, not skinny. I don't want to loose weight, I want to eat healthier and exercise more! Sooo... This is what it is all about...

The reason
My personal reason to join my own challenge is because I'm not pleased with my lifestyle anymore. Since I'm flying around five to six days a week, my diet changed quickly. I eat a lot of deepfried food (gosh I love mac donalds), pizza's and pasta's. And even worse is that I eat fruit and veggies very rarely. I stick to salty, fat food which is easy and quick to eat but my belly is bloating afterwards and it doesn't make you feel better.

I repeat, I don't want to loose weight. I'm very pleased with my weight, so this is not the reason. After reading a lot of food blogs and fit inspiration blogs on the internet, I found out that healthy food and clean eating in general actually DO makes a difference. You will feel better, fitter and your skin will glow again. So, what's your reason to join my challenge?

The idea

Eat clean, unprocessed natural food, exercise every day and avoid eating packaged foods. Eat only whole foods. So fresh fruit, veggies and don't eat stuff with E numbers or other ingredients you have never heared of and can't pronounce. Eat slower, enjoy your food more and listen to your body: when you're hungry you eat and when you're full/satisfied: stop. Your muscles are 70% created by your diet, the other 30% is done in the gym. So yes, get your lovely butts to the gym or do your workout at home. Besides that eat 5 to 6 mini meals each day.

The food to avoid
- White bread, white pasta's, white rice
- Soda's
- Deepfried food (bye bye Mac Donalds)
- Processed meats (like bacon, hot dogs and salami).
- Sugary Cereals (choose a cereal that contains little suger and more fiber)
- Candy
- Fake Fruit Juices (too much sugar)
- Alcohol (also too much sugar)
- Eliminate refined sugar
- Limit your daily amount of milk

The food to eat
- Whole grain carbohydrates (whole wheat bread and pastas)
- Brown rice
- Nuts
- Beans
- Oils
- Poultry
- Fish
- Eggs
- Veggies
- Fruits
- Lean meats (in moderation)
- Oatmeal

So as mentioned before, the diet is important, but exercising is just as important. I'm a beginner at this, I'm starting as a newbie. I am not sure if it's possible for me as a flight attendant to exercise every day (since I'm just too tired or have not enough time when I fly 11 hours a day), but my ultimate goal is to workout 5 times a week. And I would love to rotate daily when it comes to cardio and building muscles. I'm planning on swimming, running, cycling and doing at home exercises to tone my body! What's your goal?

Let's start!
So yeah, let's start! Let me know who's with me? We'll start tomorrow (wednesday the 13th of march 2013) and our challenge will end 4 weeks later. Don't forget to make pictures of your body!

Since I can't do a daily update of the FMB challenge, follow me on:
- Instagram to see my daily meals
- Facebook to see me do my workouts!

And if you seek inspiration, go to my pinterest work out board and pinterest health board filled with some fitspiration!

Follow The Fashion Moodboard


  1. Super idee, ik doe mee! Niet helemaal precies hetzelfde als bij jou maar wel in die richting. Erg leuk. x

  2. Ik ben overlaatst ook begonnen met gezonder eten en sporten. Ik wil me deze zomer perfect in mijn vel voelen!


  3. Ik ben al begonnen! :) Leuk dat veel bloggers dit nu doen want dat is wel motiverend! liefs

  4. Aw good job, success! Ik moet ook maar eens aan de slag haha. X

  5. Ik doe mee! Ga ook lekker veel sporten en zo gezond mogelijk eten, wil als ik over vier maanden terug kom uit het buitenland lekker in m'n vel zitten en er goed uitzien!

  6. Love it! Leuke illustraties ook! Succes babe!

  7. You are so beautiful!!!

    Would you like to follow each other? :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment

♥ Shalane
