Got my head up in the sky

Tomorrow I'll be presenting an idea to my airline. It's all about social media, I hope it will work. Besides that, I have sold a lot of clothes and am still bringing packages to the post office every day. Keep in mind I will consider to sell everything which you see on my blog, so please do send me an email if you're interested in buying something.

Days are passing by and slowely it starts to feel like spring is around the corner. I can't wait! And what do you think about my new sweater? I noticed this beauty in a campaign in the dutch glamour magazine and I was searching for it. I saw it when I was in Basel, but the prices in Switzerland are extremely high. Thank goodness I found it yesterday in Utrecht after a fun day with a friend. The price was good: just 19,95 (instead of the 34,95 you pay online, strange huh?). I decided to wear it together with my leather shorts and a pink lipstick.

And more news: what do you think about the new design? Do you like it? Or do you prefer the old one? I think it's time to take the Fashion Moodboard to a new level, and I hope this design will help! :)
Sweater: H&M // Shorts: Vintage by Episode // Shoes: Primark

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♥ Shalane
