Belated New Years resolutions

Let me start with apologizing for my absence the past few weeks. I can't seem to figure out how I can blog and fly at the same time. When I'm in the hotel, I sure have enough time for blogging, but I also want to take pictures or go on adventures where I can blog about... It's not simple, but I hope I can do a better job in 2013.

And while everyone around me got the flu, I was hoping I had a lucky escape from it. But I should have known better... I suppose I deserved it after weeks of junkfood, flying around in a metal tube at 33.000ft with people from all over the world and being fatique for quite some time. But I'm still too busy in my head, even right now, to just stay in bed all day. Perfect time for some blogging about new years resolutions, something I should have done 11 days ago, but hey, who cares?

The past 11 days of 2013 haven't been that amazing to start with. In 11 days I ate 4 times pizza, 4 times pasta, 2 times french fries and 1 day healthy. I didn't do any workout whatsoever and had a nice red wine almost every day. Let's say I start with my resolutions tomorrow...

1. Eating healthy
This can actually be quite a challenge when one loves pizza, pasta and chips. I skipped a lot of veggies and fruit in december, which is paying of right now as we speak (thanks to the flu). Besides that, when you eat in a restaurant 4 times a week, it's also very difficult to go for the 'healthy' things, while the hamburger is screaming my name... But I'm going to give it a try. I'll eat more salads, veggies and fruits.

I don't gain any weight. I can eat pizza for three days in a row and can see the same amount of kilo's on the scale as I noticed three days ago. But I really, really need to start exercising again. Back in high school, my condition was really good. While doing our weekly rounds at the field, I ran togheter with the boys because it was easy for me to run their speed. So don't know yet how I'm going to do it (a gym is pretty expensive), but I will start exercising!

Blog more
Easy does it, huh? Just takes some time. But I love my blog and blogging in general. Hope 2013 will be my year.

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  1. Wat een leuke vrolijke foto! Love it! Hoe is het daar boven in de lucht? Je vermaakt je daar nog steeds:)


  2. Zitten er in de hotels waar je overnacht geen sportzalen? Anders zou je een uurtje kunnen sporten en dan kun je weer naar buiten en fotograferen!

  3. Thanks for commenting!!
    Love your blog!!:)

    I follow you
    Much love.


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♥ Shalane
