Remember I told you about my reserve duty? And how I got called out every single day? Well, after my day in Bologna I spend one night at home. At 5.01AM my phone was vibrating: incomming call from crewing, I had to report at the airport in an hour and a half for a three day trip to Prague and Bordeaux. I can tell you one thing, it hurts when you've just had 4 hours of sleep and your phone is waking you up. Painfull situation, but going to Prague and Bordeaux makes it worth it.

Anyway, we arrived in Prague around 2PM. The weather was not so fantastic, but Prague itself is pretty amazing. We strolled around at a christmas market and walked towards the bridge. Afterwards, we had a nice dinner on a rooftop terrace overlooking the main square.

Sorry for the bad picture quality, since it was really grey and rainy outside, it was difficult to shoot the pics.

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  1. oh wow these pictures are so so beautiful!

    hope you'll visit back

  2. Jammer van de regen! Maar leuk zeg dat je naar Praag bent geweest. Ik ben er ook twee keer geweest, maar kan me er bijna niets meer van herinneren..

  3. Mooie foto's! Ziet er erg gezellig uit.

    Liefs, Romy

  4. wat een leuke post zeg, leuk om die foto's te zien!

  5. aww this looks really fun! i miss outdoor market a lot as well - perhaps I should look for one to go to this weekend!
    would you like to follow each other?

  6. I also visited Prague on a not sunny day but the memories are beautiful♥ and that's important! ;)

  7. Hey,

    Wat een leuke city report, ik ben zelf nog nooit in Praag geweest maar hoor er altijd leuke verhalen over! Ik ga wel naar Dusseldorf dit weekend, speciaal voor de 'mooie' kerstmarkten haha!

    Liefs XX

  8. Ziet er leuk uit! Wil ook graag een keer naar Praag, hoor er altijd zoveel goede verhalen over.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment

♥ Shalane
