TRAVEL: Thailand, Koh Samui

Part II of my Koh Samui posts and there are yet more to come. I've spend most of my days on this beautiful island which resulted in a ton of pictures to edit and to share with you.

The pictures shown below are from the second and third day at the island. We went out and discovered the nightlife scene with lots of prostitutes, sex and outdoor discotheques. Beachparty's were also a big thing on the island.

Before we went out we had a dinner with the complete group (25 people) and we bought the typical thai wish balloons. When the thing goes up in the air (which actually takes a while as well. It needs time to heat up), you need to fold your hands together like a closed Lotus and make a wish. I hope you enjoy my pictures.

Dress: H&M
Bikini: Victoria's Secret

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  1. Het ziet er echt mooi uit allemaal, ik ben jaloers!

  2. Beautiful.^^
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♥ Shalane
